Bingo - A Popular Lottery Comes from Italy

Bingo – A Popular Lottery Comes from Italy

Lottery now there is, even in countries where gambling business in general is prohibited. One of the most popular – Bingo, which we have today and we’ll talk.

History of

It is believed that the birthplace of Bingo – Italy, where they began to play it back in the sixteenth century. Then the Italians at this fun isolated one day a week. Basically it was a Saturday.

According to one version, in the sixteenth century Italy povyazla corruption and governors will decide to choose the lot – officials pulled out of the bag to certain numbers, using the principles of the modern Bingo Lottery.

After a few centuries, this board game migrated to France. In this country, the rules were designed as close to the modern interpretation: each card lottery had three horizontal rows and nine vertical numbers pulled from a special bag as long as one of the participants is not completely filled in one of the vertical rows. Later, a lottery was in Germany, and by 1980 it was known and loved throughout Europe.

The Church has a negative attitude to all gambling, but bingo, sacrificing some of the money for church needs in many churches of America.

In the United States, this is already known at that time in Europe Lottery gained popularity much later. Across the ocean, it came along with one street vendor in Germany, but the broad masses was due to Edwin Lowe. He told her, and gave us a name known to all – Bingo. In this story, an important role was played by the random factor: during the Great Depression Edwin owned a factory for the manufacture of toys that quickly went bankrupt. But the young man did not fall in spirit, and continued to search for the deal of his life.

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Once, while in Atlanta, Lowe heard from one tent published cheers. They were playing the lottery. When he returned to his native New York, he came up with his own version of this game that tried to his friends.

The mathematician Carl Leffler was obsessed with the idea of creating a 6000 card combination to play Bingo. And he still coped with the task, to the time before they go crazy.


Before describing the rules, it should be said that there are two versions of Bingo – British and American. The main difference – the number of game balls. The balls 90 used the British and US only in the first case 75. The cards are dealt with three rows each of nine cells. Total game takes place in 3 stages: in the first round wins the player with the fastest one of the rows, in the second – the one who will fill the number 2, and generally gets the victory party lottery, closed before all other cards field. The winner of stage 1 takes 15% of the total prize pool for 2 lines filled the player gets 30% and the remaining 55% goes to the treasury of the main winner.

In the American species square playing cards, measuring 5 by 5 cells. The central cell is considered to be automatically filled. Also in this type of game there are five letters – B, I, N, G, O, which are located above each of the columns. The player who fills lines must shout “Bingo”, after which the rally is stopped.

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